čukljevi posle operacije

Why do bunions come back after surgery?

Hallux valgus is the most common foot deformity that mainly affects female population after the age of 40. Due to the whole body muscle weakness, the overall posture is disturbed, and as a result, patients complain of pain in the back, hips, feet. Working at a computer makes our back crooked to the side we use more, the arm is more active and the neck of the back is constantly bent forward. Chronic pain has become a part of everyday life and we do not pay attention to it until it exceeds beyond the limits of endurance.

Due to constant sitting, the natural curve of the spine straightens, pelvis is tilted forward, knees suffer from excessive loading, and our feet pay the price. Externally observed, we look like a pancake roll that has lost its freshness. We do care about being in good shape for as long as possible and, exercising regularly and eating healthy, we realized that it depends on ourselves how healthy we will be. Our body needs regular care – just as a car enthusiast regularly controls and monitors the condition of his car, we should also take care of our body inside and out.

Choosing our footwear, we often follow the latest fashion trends because we want to look like others fitting the colour and shape of our shoes. But we’ll get the answer whether it really suits us after a few days of wearing such shoes. A narrow top, all over the bunion, heels too high, artificial material, all these don’t matter if it is the shoe of your dreams and fits the idea of ​​the perfect combination with a dress and bag for a special occasion. After intense pain and inflamed and red big toe – the appearance of a large outside bump often shocks us how fast it came about and spoiled how our foot looks like. How did it appear all of a sudden? Until recently, everything was normal!

Is that what you really want?

After thousands of women, looking for a solution to their sore and swollen feet, did find it in the combined techniques I use, I dare to admit their effectiveness. There is no such a method that is 100 percent successful, not even a surgery, or a physical therapy, or various orthoses, shoe inserts, teas, massages, or chiropractic … And all these thousands of women differ so much in the shape and quality of their bunions that it is impossible to make one and the same model of therapy which would be successful for everyone.

For this reason, a large number of different operations are used in orthopedics in order to correct bunions. Patient age is important in therapy selection because recovery will be greater in younger organisms. But rehabilitation success does not depend only on that. Some people are born with bunions, some got them after wearing uncomfortable shoes a couple of months, someone has bad posture – the foothold is broken, some people play sport professionally, which requires strong, rough shoes, someone has flat feet …

Some bunions are bony, some are cartilaginous, sometimes it is bursitis, in some cases it is arthritis.

Surgery can be the solution when the statics is so disturbed that it interferes with normal walking and standing. If aesthetics is the main reason for surgery – we consider it a priority as well. For many women, it is important that their feet are narrow, gentle and attractive. But if you were born with wide feet and your whole body developed with such a genetic matrix, what could you expect after surgery? How long would your spine be able to stay on its feet with a narrower base?

Please close your eyes for a moment and travel to Dubai. You come across the tallest building – Burj Khalifa. Its base is wide and as it goes higher, it becomes narrower and narrower. The strongest winds can’t do anything to it because it is strong and resists the highest force. But, would it survive if its foundations were narrow, if the situation was reversed? Imagine that the foundation is narrow and the top is bulky? How long would it last?

Our feet are the foundation for our body

If for some reason the body has started making bunions, then there is a good reason for it!

Feet play a key role in maintaining balance. Crooked spine, protruding pelvis, flat feet, all these have broken the secure foothold and feet must react. The body is programmed to protect itself.

Bunions provide us with a secure foothold. They depreciate all abnormalities in body posture. If you remove them with one surgical procedure, you will disrupt the stability of the whole body. It is difficult to maintain weight on such unstable bases, so the recovery is long and gradual. And in order to protect itself from new unstable situations, body will start to expand its base again, making new bunions. A living body with perfect algorithms is programmed to survive for a long time. Cut off its roots and imagine what will happen then.

Perhaps the solution may be the gradual correction of body posture, the instruction to accept new schemes of walking and standing. Reshaping the internal foot structure, with corrective exercises could bring visible effects. Maybe some manipulative technique on the body could rearrange the order of the muscles?


Time will show how much pioneering efforts have been supported in order to improve the quality of human health.

For now, we must rely on assumptions, but on will of steel as well, on irrefutable optimism and empathy.

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