The spinal column is the central axis of our body, which keeps us upright and thus ensures our verticality. It consists of spinal vertebrae, which are mutually connected by intervertebral discs – the rings, which have the function of shock absorbers of spinal movement. The very stability of spine is also conditioned by the strong muscles and ligaments, located upwards the spinal column.
Between vertebrae themselves, there are openings through which the spinal nerves pass – 31 pair – often exposed to pressure – something that we recognise as spinal pain.
Premature ageing and poor diet of rings lead to degenerative changes of intervertebral discs and depending on the region of the spine, where changes occur, we can distinguish neck, chest, lumbar and back pain.
These rings lose their elasticity, lessen over time and simultaneously reduce the space between vertebrae. All of these may cause the reduced mobility of the spinal column, where pressure is exerted on spinal nerve roots, even with small movements. Due to load lifting from an awkward position or sudden movement, a sudden rupture of the intervertebral ring and pressure on a certain spinal nerve occur. This condition is called dyskinesia and it can occur in any part of the spine.
People usually complain of pain in the lower back, which corresponds to the region between the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral vertebrae, when the pain spreads further to the hip area, down the lower leg and calf, up to the lateral foot and little toe. If there is a weaker feeling of touch in the leg, with emphasised big toe pain, there is an injury between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae. Pain is usually intensified by movements and strains (such as: coughing, sneezing, laughing…).
In addition to the problems of intervertebral discs, the calcification of calcium salts, which settles on the vertebrae in the form of small protrusions – so-called – osteophyte, is a common problem as well. They exerts pressure on the roots of the spinal nerves and, depending on their region, we talk about cervical (neck) pain syndrome with severe head and cervical spine pain, fainting, tinnitus, or in the lumbar region, when we talk about lumbago and lumbar pain and seat back.
If we take into consideration that we were born with a predisposition for good health, we need to ask ourselves – What has happened to us in the meantime and worsened it? Everyday bad habits, primarily those referring to a sedentary lifestyle (sitting in front of a computer, in a car…), lack of physical activity, poor diet… All the above-mentioned reasons lead to a disorder in the statics of body, which can cause difficulties in the spinal column, if they are not treated on time.
A number of children at their early age, who address doctors due to back pain caused by scoliosis, have increased. A lateral curvature of the spine in the thoracic or dorsal parts of the back in children is a common problem nowadays, which has not been in focus enough. Due to unsolved or insufficiently treated scoliosis in children, one can encounter one of the previously stated problems of the spinal column.
In addition to back pain, these children also often suffer from attention deficit disorder and breathing problems, so it is necessary to start with treatments and exercises as soon as possible after determining the degree of curvature of the spine.