Lack of time, makes us less and less mobile, and even those who are looking for a good sport, want to get everything in one activity! Exercises for fitness, healing, quick solutions for problems, better health, good posture and better mood, and if possible, easier exercises! Indonesian exercises Nipertrai, provide people with good results as a solution for many health issues, as well as for better concentration, hormone imbalance and many other health irregularities. Agus Maryanto is a master of these skills. He brought it to Belgrade while he was performing his diplomatic mandate in Serbia from 2002. to 2005.
We are talking about them with Aleksandar Maksimović, a physiotherapist with many years of experience.
What are Indonesian exercises?
Indonesian Exercises Programme Nipertai is derived from its original version Satria Nusantara and it has been adapted to this climate. Nipertai or Art Breathing International Indonesia is literally the art of breathing that has traditionally been used in Indonesia.
The exercises are organised in a daily rhythm – 2 hours per day, 12 days in a row.
When do these Nipertrai exercises help?
Indonesian exercises are recommended for:
- Issues related to concentration, attention, fatigue, intelligence;
- Anti-ageing (rejuvenation) of organs and the whole body;
- Metabolic issues, slow or fast metabolism (either obesity or thinness);
- Hormonal issues (menstrual issues, menopause, sterility);
- Respiratory device issues;
- Dysfunction of the bone and joint system.
Can they be practiced without a therapist?
T The exercises are organised in a daily rhythm – 2 hours per day, 12 days in a row. The program is performed with an instructor who follows the course/exercises from its very beginning until the very end, because it is highly important that the movements are performed precisely and easily. During two hours, a combined programme of breathing and warm up exercises and a special coordination system of exercises are done for each energy centre (chakra) separately.
Once the 12-day programme is mastered, the exercises can be done at home or in a group 4 times a month. Once the full potential is reached, it is necessary to maintain it and to live.
Open to new opportunities, we recognize our differences in our relation with the habits. You need to be prepared for better things, because you also need to get used to the ease of life. With these breathing exercises, through conscious breathing, we will feel satisfaction and fullness of life.
There is magic in small things, it is up to us to open up to it.
How to open energy barriers?
Satria Nusantara is one of the strongest energy programmes that, along with breathing exercises, combines arm and leg movements and transforms all energy barriers by opening them.
These are therapeutic exercises that help with various conditions, although they belong to the group of martial arts. Some connoisseurs of various techniques say that Satria Nusantara is one of the strongest programmes for achieving enormous strength, intuition and sharpening the senses.
At the moment, it is possible to work with Aleksandra Maksimović, a physiotherapist, who has started passing these exercises to others, because she discovered their good effect.
Source: Eva i ja.