o programu lečenja čukljeva

Aleksandra Maksimović about the bunion treatment programme

Aleksandra Maksimović, who combines her knowledge and experience of reflexology, physiotherapy, Bowen technique and integrative medicine, talks about the bunion treatment programme.

On the one hand, there are people, whose lives are linear. Step by step, cautiously, calmly and safely, they climb towards their goals. On the other hand, there are also others, who do not hide from storms and challenges: at one moment, they fly to the sky, but at another moment, crash to the ground and then heal their smile. And they always heal themselves, because they were born to heal both themselves and others.

Combining her broad knowledge and experience in reflexology, physiotherapy, Bowen technique and integrative medicine, Aleksandra Maksimović successfully deals with the elimination of musculoskeletal apparatus issues (spine, shoulders, knees, hips, pelvis, feet), and the majority of clients pay her a visit due to the problems, which  has become a frequent and painful inconvenience of modern people – bunions.

She is the author of this bunion treatment programme, which provides excellent results.

Click here to find out more about the bunion treatment programme

Aleksandra Maksimović is one of those people who, on their way to their full potential, could avoid neither a single cup of poision nor a single cup of honey and who pay the full price for their choices. Such a path is not easy, but it gives its traveller liveliness, alertness, vigilance and creativity, as well as deep understanding and compassion as a reward due to the fact that behind their result, there are not mere pieces of information but real knowledge strengthened by experience.

She remembers herself as a stubborn, rebellious girl, who could hardly wait to grow up in order to be able to communicate equally with adults. As a teenage girl, she stood out with her interest in religion and Eastern philosophy and her best friend and peer, an Egyptian, was her company for conversations about these topics. She simultaneously felt the need for artistic expression, so she was in two minds whether to study theology or fine art.

Under her mother’s influence, she enrolled in Medical College of Applied Sciences and became a senior physiotherapist. She did not manage to look at blood and wounds, but she always, as she has said, felt the need to help people – so this profession was a good choice. However, the then crisis in the country during the early 1990s forced her to work for her material security in a private company as a medical sales representative and thus her life took a completely new direction.

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At the age of twenty eight, she became seriously ill. It all started with coxsackievirus and continued with a disease, which doctors, in doubt, defined as post-traumatic stress. She suffered from panic attacks, great breathing difficulties, and finally, complete amnesia.

She used strong drugs and various therapies and spent more than a year in complete isolation, without a clear prognosis and optimistic outcome.

“This experience has been extremely important to me and I would not delete it. Now I can understand that the disease had to “give birth to me” again in order to get back on the right track. My path was to help other people, but in order to learn how to do that, how a sick person feels and how to be able to provide them with love and care, I had to feel on my skin what it is like to be helpless, scared, and vulnerable.”

Having recovered, Aleksandra returned to medicine. She had first volunteered in a health centre and a few years later she started working as a physiotherapist at Belgrade’s Institute for Geriatrics and Palliative Care, where she stayed for ten years. In the following months and years after her recovery, Aleksandra turned to alternative medicine and spiritual education.

She went to Embassy of the Netherlands, where free seminars in the field of reflexology and similar techniques, organised by the Serbian-Dutch Friendship Society, were held. “The lectures were held by the wife of the Dutch ambassador, Mrs. Eri Sizo, a person of considerable knowledge and a big heart, who would significantly influence the direction of my professional orientation.”

I am grateful, from the bottom of my heart that she recognised my potential and offered to finance my stay in The Hague, where I attended intensive courses at various clinics for alternative medicine, for a while, and learnt treatment techniques, such as Crystal Healing, Bach Flower Remedies, Tesla Metamorphosis, Reiki, which were then almost completely unknown here. This experience, again, in a different way than the disease of mine, changed my life and decisively influenced me to understand the direction, which I should follow.

Later, I found out about special energy exercises that were held at Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia and unreservedly applied, since I still had breathing problems. There I met Agus, the future father of my child. He was not only a diplomat, but also a spiritual teacher, Sufi master and trainer of Satria Nusantara – extremely powerful exercises that bring energy centres into harmony through certain movements and body positions.

In just 12 days, you reach your maximum on your physical, and then ethereal, astral, causal and other levels. Breath holding (reverse breathing) is also taught as it strengthens the fascia of organs and muscles and clears all energy barriers in one’s body, placing the spine vertically and all other organs in their place, and thus we get the incredible feeling of strength. To my astonishment, I was the best out of 40 students on the energy potential check exercise. Agus suddenly invited me to become his student, so I began to learn deep meditation and exercises for developing intuition and foresight on a daily basis.

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A strong spiritual and emotional bond between us, which lasted for four wonderful, rich and the most intense years of my life, was developed. I gave birth to our Stefan 12 years ago, and six months after that, Agus returned to Indonesia, and I was at the bottom and I had to be born from the ashes again. Any anger or vengeance has not been in me for a long time, but I admit that I have put a lot of effort into understanding our story and its place in my life and learning how to forgive us both.

Even today, I feel tenderness towards him, as a deeply emotional man and spiritual being, who helps others, but what hurts is his helplessness to help himself because he has been surrounded by an iron law fence, which raises a wall between us…

The next step on Aleksandra’s development path was Bowen technique, which she has been studying for eight years already. Last year, she earned a degree from The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia, she had attended. “The human body is an instrument that can be easily adjusted due to the wrong way of life and painful emotions, but it can also be readjusted. Each cell of one’s organism represents a small world and has an incredible power of memorisation and regeneration.

We were created to last without damage during our lives, to remain spotlessly adopted to our own environment, and first and foremost, we are equipped by all the tools required for “self-help”. Gentle Bowen movements represent awakening of your own “inner doctor” in a completely non-invasive and natural way. We can affect any imbalance or disharmony that exist within the body by reactivating the original matrix and correct functioning of all body systems.

A therapist can focus on one particular problem or the body as a whole. Completely different from all other “hands on body” therapies, Bowen technique does not apply any kind of forced manipulation. Bowen is not a massage, but a message. Due to the fact that they do not have any preconception, children achieve the best results.

Click here to find out more about the bunion treatment programme

This technique provides good results in musculoskeletal problems, neurological disorders, imbalanced functioning of internal organs, emotional disorders, autoimmune diseases… Bowen regulates all body issues and I decided to work on the correction of musculoskeletal system in a centre “Balans Medika” (where I have been working for 7 years already).  These corrections of musculoskeletal systems include spine, shoulders, knees, hips, feet, pelvis, but the majority of clients approach us due to the problem, which has become a great inconvenience of modern people – bunions.

In the meantime, I have expanded my knowledge through learning not only from some well-known chiropractors from Serbia and Russia, but also from ordinary people, who have had abilities which cannot be easily explained. Also, I attended the Master in Integrative Medicine in Madrid. Having combined all my knowledge (primarily physiotherapy, reflexology, acupressure and Bowen technique knowledge), I designed a programme for the treatment of bunions as my own work and I am really proud because the cure rate of it is about 80% and there is no recurrence.

I have used reflexology to realise what the causes of bunions are and Bowen technique to reset the body and restore its statics. Bunions are a protective reaction of the body, which is unsafe; they are an extension of support. I have been working on reabsorbing that secondary creation, but at the same time I have been providing the body with an impulse to regain a healthy stand and posture.”

“I cherish special love for emotional diagnostics and I have dedicated myself to in with all my heart”, Aleksandra says. “Even though it requires a lot of time and emotional engagement, soberness and responsibility as well as trust of clients, because we work on deeper layers and higher levels, i.e. on recognising and shedding light on suppressed emotions, stuck in a centre of energy. That kind of process is always painful since the deepest secrets are revealed through it, such as a traumatic experience pertaining to female sexuality that can afterwards lead to some serious diseases of female reproductive organs.

It is all about an emotional diagnosis that helps us become aware of the feelings, which have been polluting our body for days or even years, and thus open the door to illness. An illness has always been an identity disorder. The purpose of this treatment is to encourage a person to regain faith in them and to find strength and self-love, because that is the only way one can find God in them.

Through working on ourselves and our experiences, we have the opportunity to raise the level of our collective consciousness, aware that we help all people, who suffer from the same problems and temptations, by transforming our own experiences.

The basis of this teaching is the recognition of the weft, pervading, the sixth element, which is the basis of everything in the Universe. What we get are lightening and cleaning of the weft, how to free it from all those layers of emotions that make it “tight”, how to keep clean relationships between people. We learn how to weave love. By working on ourselves, we work for the benefit of all humanity.”

Click here to find out more about the bunion treatment programme

Source: Sensa

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